Abhakta Aushadha Sevana Kala: Which means, Medical Significance

14 يونيو 2024 - 8:17 ص


Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

Abhakta is among the ‘aushadha sevana kala’ i.e. time for taking medication.

Abhakta = A + Bhakta

A = no, Bhakta = meals

So, in Abhakta, the medication is run when the particular person / affected person has not taken meals. This additionally implies that the particular person has an empty abdomen when she or he is taking the medication.

Abhakta can also be referred to as by different names –

Ananna = Na + Anna = no meals = medication taken when she or he has not consumed meals
Niranna = with out meals – medication must be taken with out having taken the meals

All these phrases imply the identical.

Understanding Abhakta Annakala

When is the medication administered in ‘Abhakta’?

As already talked about, the medication in Abhakta is run to an individual who has not consumed any meals or when the abdomen is empty / devoid of any meals.

During which a part of the day the medication is run?

Normally, this medication is supposed to be given early within the morning. At the moment, the particular person has simply woken up from sleep. He must be allowed to keep away from his urine and faeces in order to really feel lightness within the intestine, as felt after full evacuation of bowel.

She or he must be instructed to not take any meals and preserve the abdomen empty.

The opposite preferable time is at / throughout dawn.

Why ought to medication be given right now? Dosha relation

At the moment i.e. early within the morning or throughout early morning, the dosha actions will probably be very much less within the abdomen and intestine. The medication is not going to be influenced by the dosha or doshas.

When the abdomen is empty, the abdomen will probably be free from kapha dosha or its affect.

This time might be thought-about as ‘breakfast time’ these days. So, if not early within the morning or at dawn, medication might be administered at another time i.e. breakfast time. Even right here, the abdomen will probably be empty as per rule.

Indications and advantages of Abhakta

Medicinal efficacy – When the medication is run on empty abdomen, its therapeutic impact will probably be excessive and good.

Absorption – The absorption and motion of the medication administered on an empty abdomen will probably be optimum.

Shodhana – The medicines that are directed in direction of inducing therapeutic emesis – vamana and therapeutic purgation – virechana must be administered right now. When performed, they’ll set within the motion shortly and induce vomiting or purgation effortlessly.

Weight Discount – If the affected person is in search of weight discount, the medicines administered right now will assist in attaining the objectives. Subsequently, Abhakta medication is one of the best one for administration of chubby and weight problems situations. So, it may be thought-about in medovaha sroto dushti i.e. contamination of fats forming and conveying channels within the physique and ailments brought on by the identical.

Medicines for morbid kapha and pitta and ailments brought on by them – Medicines given on empty abdomen will assist in combating morbid pitta and kapha. It’s also one of the best to deal with and take underneath management the ailments brought on by aggravated pitta, kapha or each doshas.

Kapha and Pitta are drava doshas i.e. they’re partly liquid in nature. Placing it the opposite manner, dravatva or presence of liquidity is among the qualities of each pitta and kapha. Langhana i.e. fasting or therapeutic hunger, as we all know, when performed in a managed manner, will take away the extreme fluidity of pitta and kapha, that are antagonistic to the metabolism and metabolic fireplace – the agni.

Right here, the empty abdomen will present an identical setting and added by the impact of anti-pitta or anti-kapha medicines administered right now, the therapeutic impact in combating morbid kapha and pitta will probably be optimum. Identical issues work in favour of treating kapha and pitta problems.

Splendid for Vyana Vata dysfunctions – Medicines given early within the morning on empty abdomen are greatest in treating vyana vayu dysfunctions and likewise problems triggered as a consequence of vitiation of vyana vata. Vyana vata is the subtype of vata which is concerned in distribution of issues, together with vitamin and oxygen and circulation within the physique. It’s continuously transferring throughout the physique. Medicines administered in Abhakta time will assist in balancing vyana vata and curing the ailments brought on by dysfunctions of vyana vata.

Individuals who’ve good power are match / eligible to take medication within the abhakta time. This consists of good bodily and psychological power. Individuals who have much less power and fewer tolerance is not going to tolerate medicines given on an empty abdomen.

Contraindications for giving medicines in Abhakta Kala

Excessive efficiency medicines – Medicines having larger potencies shall be given on empty abdomen to those that are sturdy however not the sufferers who’re weak. It must also not be given to youngsters, aged folks, girls or debilitated individuals.

These having tiredness and weak point – Medicines given on empty stomachs right now may cause tiredness and weak point. Subsequently, the dose and tolerance must be monitored often. Additionally, medication right now shouldn’t be given to those that have already got tiredness and weak point.

The opposite situations whereby abhakta aushadha is contraindicated are –

–        People who find themselves thirsty
–        People who find themselves hungry
–        Individuals who have consumed chilly water
–        Individuals affected by indigestion

We have to observe that although this type of medication is given on an empty abdomen, care must be taken to see that the particular person shouldn’t be feeling hungry or thirsty whereas administering medication. So, the rule is – this medication must be given to an individual who’s on an empty abdomen however is neither hungry nor thirsty.

Chilly water meddles with the motion of the medication by not solely diluting the medication but additionally the agni. It would additionally enhance kapha and vata.

When medication is given to these affected by indigestion, throughout this time, the medication will probably be overcome by ama. The medication is not going to be absorbed correctly and put into circulation as a result of weak point of agni.

Some ailments which might be cured by medicines administered in Abhakta state

Abhakta medicinal timing might be thought-about within the beneath talked about situations –

–        Circulatory ailments like hypertension / hypotension triggered as a consequence of imbalances of vyana vata
–        Pores and skin ailments – as a consequence of deficiency of vitamin and oxygenation as a consequence of vyana vata imbalances
–        Kapha problems – diabetes, swelling / oedema in physique components, heaviness of the physique and many others.
–        Pitta problems – inflammatory ailments, gastritis, colitis, arthritis and many others.
–        Weight problems and chubby points
–        Illnesses of fats associated channels and errors of fats metabolism, Hypothyroidism
–        Shodhana Sneha – the amount of medicated ghee / oil utilized in metered doses, till the physique will get saturated with the medication and indicators of correct oleation / lubrication are discovered, for making ready the particular person for shodhana – cleaning of the physique is given to the affected person on empty abdomen when she or he has not consumed any meals but.


–        Ashtanga Sangraha Sutra Sthana, Chapter 23 (23/14, 23)
–        Sushruta Samhita Uttara Sthana, Chapter 64 (64/67)
–        Charaka Samhita Chiktsa Sthana, Chapter 30 (30/299)
–        Sharangadhara Samhita Madhyama Khanda, Chapter 2 (2/2,4)
